Innovative ideas and ideas about innovation


Looking for inspiration, chances are that someone is collecting it for you

The Internet is a wonderful thing, and should you ever doubt that, I offer two examples which will restore your faith. 1. is a web site dedicated to capturing the dress decisions made by 'hip' people around the World. If you have an interest in emerging ideas in fashion, these guys are doing all the leg work for you. And it comes directly to your browser with virtually no effort on your part. Fantastic. 2. What does a Badger taste like? This question was recently posed to me, by a friend, as part of an on going joke - yes, you probably had to be there for it to be funny. Anyway, out of curiosity, I typed it into Google. And, I found the script of a very funny sketch all about that exact subject. No, I am not going to give you the link. You have already wasted too much time reading this blog. Although if you can't resist, look for Badger flavoured ice cream. The point about these two entries, is that the Internet is offering us an increasingly powerful source of inspiration for almost any question we could ask. And, it has only been around for a few years. Just imagine the power we will have, quite literally at our finger tips, over the coming decades.

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