Innovative ideas and ideas about innovation


Why buy a video camera when there are so many free ones around?

Perhaps not the first question which pops into your mind, as you awake. But it was the question being pondered by the guys at mediashed. And, there response was to start 'video sniffin'. This - in case you didn't know! - involves capturing the broadcast signals from CCTV cameras, and using them for your own purposes.
In the case of mediashed, their purpose was to give children the chance to make their own movies, without the normal expense. You can read about the story here.
I have to admit, I think this is brilliant. Being able to turn "instruments of control" into a low cost form of art, just makes me laugh. And, it also makes me wonder what else we could do for free. For example, are you paying for a meeting room, when the building next door has empty space?

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